02 August 2008

Stimulating Children Capability Earlier..

Stimulating Children Capability

Emosional and social factor :
1. Be him/her self
2. Do too much give many rules, but but give limiting rule.
3. It's not wrong if you start to in troduce and teach many risk which your children face from now.

Talking Capability factor :
1. Talk whenever and wherever you with him/her together.
2. Give open question, don't just answer yes or no !
3. Record your children's voices.
4. Review the Story : Rereading her/his favourite stories, but at certain part you don't tell completely, let your children finish it herself / himself.
5. Tell the TV programme.
6. Show the picture
7. Tell her / him about the things.

Counting Capability Factor :
1. Recognize Number
2. Play with a phone
3. Count the things
4. Grouping the thing
5. Recognize Form
6. Counting and Drawing
7. Sing
8. Play Buy and sell the book

Number Concept in Cooking
Invite your children cooking with you at the kitchen. Give your children duty for preparing amount of matter according your children capability. For example five onions, The red peppers, one tiny spoonfull sugar, etc. It will teach them numbers concept and composition.

Reading Factor
1. Make alphabetical poster
2. Make a Dress as a character in the reading story book
3. Play hand puppet
4. Make tent : at your children sleeping room, take a story book
5. Play an read the story
6. Record the story
7. Subscribe newsletter

Writing Factor
1. Writing together
2. Give your children a note or a book
3. Dictation the story
4. Compose the book / story
5. Writuing at the computer

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