10 October 2008

Motivating Children to Keep Diligent at Study

When we hear word "Learning", most children won't do that. Let's see what Mrs. Shelly always shouts first to order her children to study "My children always hide from me, when I command them to study. When I find them, they run and hide anywhere.Like play hide and seek.It make me angry", she said. As a parents of course we want our children being a smart and clever, and don't loose subjects at school, but how to make our children like "learning" ?

Okay, these are the tips.....

1. Make a good example for the kids.
Parents are the example for their children, so we must give them a good example. When parents command and watch them learning, try an acts as you are learning something, for example reading a book or discussing something mempelajari sesuatu. Sometime take them discuss some hot topics together. So the children can see that the parents are learning too.

2. Choose the good time to study
When the children are tired, they won't do anything. So, try to choose a good time to study with fresh condition of your children . You can try to choose time to study at evening, when they have take a bath..

3. Make a schedule
Children always do something exactly. With a daily routine study schedule, they will understand that a time to study and obey it.

4. Knowing your children's concentration
every children have concentration power and every children have a different level. Take a look you rchildren ; is your children as a child who can concentrating about 2 hour or only 30 minutes. If your children is a child who have short concentration, give them take a rest and they can continue their study .

5. Give your help when they need to
When they do their homework, sometimes the chldren faund difficult to solve the problems. Help them to solve the homework. Not necessary all of the homework you solve, but only oen or two numbers that difficult for your children. So the children know how to solve it....

With several tips above, I hope Mrs Shelly doesn't shout and "play" hide and seek with her children to order them to study anymore ...